The dust has just settled on this year’s Kitchens Bedrooms & Bathrooms Show (KBB) and it was without a doubt the biggest and best yet, packed full of exciting companies, innovative products and inspirational design trends.
The first of our stand-out ‘new finds’ that really got our creative juices flowing was JIG Baths.
They offer a range of bespoke cast iron and copper baths that honour the tradition and heritage of bathing. You can adapt your painted bath to a chosen design scheme by specifying any colour combination and design you wish. The quality of their craftsmanship is exceptional and the result is truly striking and wonderful baths with contemporary design and appearance and the handmade quality and longevity of old.
Look no further if you want a bath that is a spectacular focal centre piece – a real piece of furniture. They marry perfectly with the current trend for decadent tiling. We can’t wait to specify one!
Photos do the talking here:
Some Bespoke examples: